
Meet the Super Masterpiece Team!

Here at Super Masterpiece, we are passionate about Rare Content on Rare Formats.

The formats that reach or influence people widely as well as internally. We’re audiophiles, we’re record collectors. We appreciate the hand made, the small limited runs of art. Whether it’s screenprints or vinyl records, whether it’s zines or graphic novels we’re pulled toward the rare and obscure variants.

Forever in Search of the Super Masterpiece

Vinyl Records

When it comes to music we lean towards vinyl records, maybe because some of us grew up with records. Maybe because it offers a tactile experience and so much of what we used to feel, smell and see is now digital and in the cloud.

That said, we realize some of the unsung masterpieces can only be found on cassette tapes or mp3’s so expect to read about those formats as well.

Graphic Novels

We love our heros and villans. We love our colors and lines. We love decades of characters and story arcs. More to come…..